
Springbrook Software's Privacy Policy has been updated, click here for more information.

Trademark, Copyright, Intellectual Property Protection/Use of Software and Materials

If you copy or download software or related materials, your use is governed by the terms of the software license agreement. The PUBLIQ Software website contains brand/product names that are registered trademarks.

PUBLIQ, LLC registered trademarks include PUBLIQ® Software and the PUBLIQ Software logo.

Software and related materials are proprietary intellectual property and may not be distributed, modified, or reused in any way without the express written consent of PUBLIQ, LLC. The use or misuse of trademarks, copyrights, and related materials is prohibited and will violate trademark, copyright, other laws/statutes, and state/federal regulations. PUBLIQ, LLC, registered trademarks and trademarks cannot be used on other websites without prior written authorization from PUBLIQ, LLC.


Online Privacy Issues (Confidentiality)

If any of your personal customer or prospect information is outdated, please let us know at The PUBLIQ Software website is designed for use by our current and future customers. Information customers leave on the website is used to process customer requests. PUBLIQ, LLC, keeps information on file for future inquiries and updates customers may receive. PUBLIQ, LLC, does not disclose or sell any personal identifying customer information to anyone.


Limitation of Liability (Disclaimer)

The information available on this site is provided “as is” without any express or implied warranty of any kind. The PUBLIQ Software website is subject to change does not warrant that the materials and information on the site will not be out of date or too current for some customer needs. Pricing of products, as well as documentation for particular software releases is subject to change without notice. PUBLIQ, LLC, shall not be held responsible for any action taken based on PUBLIQ Software website content.



The PUBLIQ Software website provides links to other sites solely for the convenience of its website visitors. PUBLIQ Sofware does not in any way endorse or recommend any representations on these linked sites and is not responsible for any information obtained from these sites. Linked sites are completely responsible for whatever information is available from their sites. Access to these linked sites is done entirely at the visitor’s own risk.

Linking to the PUBLIQ Software website from another site indicates acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth for PUBLIQ, LLC.