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Manage Inventory with Ease and Accuracy

Complete Inventory Management

Our Inventory software makes maintaining inventory and equipment convenient. Control supplies, equipment locations, quantities, and more with the help of detailed tracking and compliant reporting.

“A key benefit is the ability to run reports at any moment on any given day. We did not have that ability with our old software.”

– Office Manager, TX Customer

Manage Inventory

Efficiently Manage Inventory

Maintain accurate inventory records, manage totals, and track inventory quickly using barcode technology.
  • Keep track of on-hand, added, and removed item totals to simplify audits
  • Compile complete item history
  • Plan for current and future needs by managing reorder thresholds and quantities and calculating average item costs
Access Data

Access Data When You Need It

Store and locate supply and equipment information with the ability to include images.
  • Save time using standardized reports that comply with Government Accounting Standards Board® (GASB) requirements
  • Create custom reports to meet your needs

Bundles Well With

Boost your Inventory software by integrating with other PUBLIQ applications. 

Accounting Suite

Accounting Suite

Utility Billing Icon

Utility Billing


Enhance your Inventory software by adding valuable services.

Start a Conversation Today

Let us help you find the solution that best suits your needs.